Worm Babies, Anyone?

Worm babies, anyone? Here’s how Aimee ended up with hers… 

“Taking care of the earth is something Christians are called to do*, but I didn’t take that into full effect until a couple of years ago when I realised the impact of our everyday waste on the world. To me the initial step is small. It started with awareness and acknowledging the waste I created and trying to minimise that waste. 

Compost and Worms

This year I have been able to get a compost bin and a worm farm (I rent mine from Why Waste—it’s a really cool initiative across NZ where they check on your worm farm monthly to make sure that your worm babies are happy and all going well!). This means my food scraps can break down as they should and be repurposed in my veggie garden. It also means my bin smells a whole lot sweeter without all the stinky food! 

Repurposing Jars and Bottles

By shopping at Bin Inn I am also able to reduce my overall waste and repurpose my jars—I try to get food in jars when possible at the supermarket so that I can reuse them. Bin Inn is such a great spot for almost all your dried goods! They also have a refill station for all your detergents and washing powders; they even have oils and vinegars that you can put into old bottles from home! 

Trying Your Best

I’m definitely not the sustainability queen, but being sustainable doesn’t mean being perfect; it just means trying your best to minimise the waste you create. Everyone does things differently and it takes time to master the skill!” 

Aimee, Otago University

*Genesis 1:28

When you’re given a gift, how you treat it can reveal a lot about what the giver means to you—whether we’re talking Airpods, an heirloom, or the earth itself. 

What’s some small way today you could care for both creation and Creator?


