From Nightmares to Hope: Finding Peace and Purpose Through Faith

Ugly nightmares were a big part of my childhood. I often felt alone and very scared. One night was especially intense and in desperation I turned to God and prayed. Immediately the dream left and I felt so much relief and peace! In fact, I never had another nightmare again.

Life looks different since becoming a Christian, both in good ways and hard ways. People can think I’m crazy to believe in God who I can’t even see and sometimes it’s difficult to stand my ground when it means I get left out or disregarded. However, the more I become confident in God’s love for me, the less these fears of loneliness and being left out control me. It’s such a relief to be sure that I’m never left alone. My relationship with Jesus has become the main thing I let define me, and I’m hopeful for the future because I trust that he will continue to be with me and help me live a meaningful life. 

I joined Student Life at uni because I wanted to share this hope with other students. I value the amazing friendships and support Student Life has given me along the way and am humbled to be part of such an inclusive community!

Written by April, AUT North (Akoranga)
